The projects which resulted from an educational kit of scientific activities with low-cost materials were presented in a meeting that promoted scientific experiments by the youngest.
It was on May 10, in an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm for the scientific exchange experienced, that the 1st Lab in a Box Meeting – Oeiras took place.
With an auditorium packed with teachers and students from primary school through high school, the Lab in a Box experiences took the stage and facilitated the exchange of knowledge between children and young people from different educational levels. In addition to the students, the teachers who attended the Lab in a Box training were also called on stage to receive their well-deserved training diplomas.
Coordinator of Lab in a Box and of the IGC Schools Program, Maria João Verdasca was the organizer and Pedro Cunha, Director-General for Education, Mónica Bettencourt Dias, Director of Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), and Pedro Patacho, Councilor of Education, Science and Innovation for the Municipality of Oeiras, were also present.
For Maria João Verdasca “it was an enormous pride and a truly enriching experience to see the uninhibited way the primary school children showed their experiments to the older ones at the science fair and the way they listened curiously and experimented with the activities presented by the high school students, who also loved the role of teaching and demonstrating their work.” Pedro Patacho and Mónica Bettencourt Dias also reinforce their support, highlighting the project’s potential to grow and expand to other municipalities.