Hidden Inventors: 20 European Inventors You Should Know — the report introduces 20 European inventors whose achievements brought transformation and innovation to day-to-day lives.
Elvira Fortunato is the former coordinator of CENIMAT | i3N of Nova School of Science and Technology |FCT NOVA, the current Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, and she is one of the names that made the list of the 20 best inventors in Europe.
“Hidden Inventors: 20 European Inventors You Should Know” – the report introduces 20 European inventors whose achievements brought transformation and innovation to our day-to-day lives. Although they are not always recognized by the general public, ThinkYoung selects the personalities who stand out. With a focus on research and younger people, ThinkYoung is an NGO that investigates studies and data analysis on Generation Y, Generation Z and soon, Generation ⍺.
The current Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education is acknowledged by her work in the field of Paper Electronics. Along with the scientist Rodrigo Martins, the researcher created the first paper-based transistor — the invention that promises to revolutionize personal and corporate daily habits.