The Municipality of Oeiras has adopted a wide range of support measures to fight Covid-19.
1. Extra support to the National Health Service
- 43 ventilators and 90 electrical syringes have already been ordered.
- In both cases, the first units are expected to arrive during the course of next week and will be immediately available to their final destination.
2. Covid-19 infection testing system
- In conjunction with local health authorities, a covid-19 infection testing system is being implemented, in collaboration with Joaquim Chaves laboratories, increasing the locally installed capacity.
- This system will prioritise the “frontline” professionals in the fight against covid-19 (enforcement authorities, firefighters and civil protection, municipal workers and municipal service workers).
3. Cleaning and hygiene
- Cleaning, hygiene and disinfection of public spaces, municipal vehicles, vehicles of the security forces, vehicles of the Combus transport system and vehicles of the Fire and Civil Protection are ongoing.
4. Implementation of a special Volunteer Bank
- A Volunteer Bank was created specifically for the current pandemic emergency situation. 145 volunteers are already registered.
- If you want to be a volunteer, contact the lines: 214420463 / 210 977 439; or, the email: b.voluntariado@cm-oeiras.pt.
5. Support for the elderly or people in vulnerable situations
- Food deliveries, shopping for domestic supplies, medicines and meals prepared for the elderly and vulnerable population are already underway.
- We have had the support of “Uber” drivers who have made themselves available free of charge to support these transports.
- If you require this support system, contact the following emergency line: 915 407 455.
6. Support for homeless people
- In the Centro de Dia da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Oeiras, in Paço de Arcos, a system for welcoming homeless people was implemented.
- This answer guarantees accommodation, personal hygiene, food and medication.
7. Psychological Support
- Aware of the psychological problems that the current situation can generate in the population, a specific line was created to support those who need it. If you need psychological support, do not hesitate to contact the following number: 914 354 326.
8. Support for professionals in essential functions
- The crèche and state schools are now available to support the children of professionals with essential functions.
a) The crèche operates in the Creche e jardim-de-infância 1º de Maio, in Carnaxide.
b) ) Schools, one per school group, are as follows:
ES Aquilino Ribeiro, in Porto Salvo;
EB Conde de Oeiras, in Oeiras;
ES Quinta do Marquês, in Oeiras;
ES Sebastião e Silva, in Oeiras;
ES Luís de Freitas Branco, in Paço de Arcos;
EB S. Bruno, in Caxias;
-EB Sophia de Mello Breyner, in Carnaxide
EB Alto de Algés, in Algés;
ES Amélia Rey Colaço, in Linda-a-Velha;
EB Prof. Noronha Feio, em Queijas ((which also serves the civil parish of Barcarena);
ES Prof. José Augusto Lucas, in Linda-a-Velha.
- The Municipality ensures, during this period, the delivery of free meals to professionals in essential functions and to municipal and civil parish employees who are on duty
- A reception system for health professionals is being implemented in a hotel in the municipality, with the aim of allowing professionals to rest without having to travel home, avoiding putting family members in danger.
- A reception system is being implemented for professionals with essential functions for quarantine or treatment (in less serious situations, but with proper monitoring), in a hotel in the municipality.
- The Municipality has already agreed on a special timetable with “Lidl” and “Auchan”, in which priority professionals with essential functions may be served.
The Municipality also draws attention to the correct disposal of waste produced by people infected with Covid-19:
- The waste must be placed in a plastic bag filled to 2/3 of its capacity. .
- This bag, once properly closed, should be placed inside another plastic bag that must also be properly closed.
- Waste can only be placed in the undifferentiated waste container after these two steps have been completed.
The Mayor of the Oeiras City Council, Dr Isaltino Morais, also calls for compliance with the health authorities guidelines and thanks “the civility and commitment of the population, the vast majority of which, has accepted the guidelines of the competent entities”.
Mayor Dr Isaltino Morais also thanks the many institutions that contacted the Municipality to collaborate with the City Council. “In these circumstances, which demand so much from everyone, it is important to give deep recognition to the people and companies that are committed every day, who show us their availability and support, generating the climate of trust that ensures that all of us together will overcome this crisis”, emphasises the Mayor of the Oeiras City Council.